Language: Chinese line English

Exchange Rate

November 6 Exchange Rate

Currency name Spot purchase price Cash buying price Spot price Cash selling price Bank of China discounted price
USD 660.26 654.89 663.05 663.05 662.9
South African Rand 41.96 38.74 42.24 45.54 42.18
UAE Dirham 173.79 186.7 180.31
Australian Dollar 479.07 464.19 482.6 484.74 480.98
Brazilian Rial 114.93 130.49 119.63
Canadian Dollar 504.42 488.49 508.14 510.38 506.7
Swiss franc 728.62 706.14 733.74 736.88 732.28
Danish Krone 104.48 101.25 105.32 105.82 105.08
EUR 778.74 754.54 784.48 787 782.78
GBP 865.5 838.61 871.88 875.73 869.9
Hong Kong dollar 85.15 84.48 85.49 85.49 85.5
Indonesian Rupiah 0.0448 0.0483 0.046
Indian Rupee 8.4114 9.4852 8.9415
Himoto 6.3618 6.1641 6.4085 6.4184 6.3908
South Korean won 0.5857 0.5652 0.5905 0.6121 0.5886
Macau Pataca 82.76 79.99 83.09 85.86 82.8
Ringgit 163.17 164.64 159.65
Norwegian Kron 71.62 69.41 72.2 72.54 72.11
New Zealand Dollar 446.99 433.2 450.13 456.32 447.78
Philippine Peso 13.62 13.15 13.78 14.4 13.69
ruble 8.57 8.04 8.63 8.96 8.6
Saudi Riyal 171.48 181.28 176.58
Swedish Krona 75.65 73.31 76.25 76.62 76.12
Singapore Dollar 488 472.94 491.42 493.87 490.29
Thai Baht 21.5 20.84 21.68 22.36 21.5
Turkish Lira 78.24 74.4 78.86 90.55 78.58
New Taiwan Dollar 22.38 24.25 23.18




Contact: candice

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